Bar chart with hchart()

 mpg %>% 
  count(class, year) %>% 
   hchart( "column", hcaes(x = class, y = n, group = year))

Bubble plot

stars %>% hchart("scatter", hcaes(temp, lum, size = radiussun)) 

axis type = “logarithmic”

stars %>% 
  hchart("scatter", hcaes(temp, lum, size = radiussun))  %>% 
  hc_xAxis(type = "logarithmic") %>%                                    ####
  hc_yAxis(type = "logarithmic")                                        ####

Adding colors via colorize

colors <- c("#FB1108","#FD150B","#FA7806","#FBE426","#FCFB8F",                     #####
            "#F3F5E7", "#C7E4EA","#ABD6E6","#9AD2E1")                              #####
stars$color <- colorize(log(stars$distance), colors)                               #####

stars %>%
  hchart( "scatter", hcaes(temp, lum, size = radiussun, color=color)) %>%          #####
  hc_xAxis(type = "logarithmic") %>% 
  hc_yAxis(type = "logarithmic", gridLineWidth = 0) 

Axis titles

colors <- c("#FB1108","#FD150B","#FA7806","#FBE426","#FCFB8F",
            "#F3F5E7", "#C7E4EA","#ABD6E6","#9AD2E1")
stars$color <- colorize(log(stars$distance), colors)

stars %>% 
  hchart( "scatter", hcaes(temp, lum, size = radiussun, color=color)) %>% 
  hc_xAxis(type = "logarithmic" , title = list(text ="Temperature")) %>%       ######
  hc_yAxis(type = "logarithmic", title = list(text ="Luminosity")) %>%         ######
  hc_title(text='Sweet bubble plot')                                           ######

Custom hover text

colors <- c("#FB1108","#FD150B","#FA7806","#FBE426","#FCFB8F",
            "#F3F5E7", "#C7E4EA","#ABD6E6","#9AD2E1")
stars$color <- colorize(log(stars$distance), colors)

x <- c("Luminosity", "Temperature", "Distance")                #####  what do you want to name the values
y <- sprintf("{point.%s:.2f}", c("lum", "temp", "distance"))   #####  column names of the values & formatting to cut off at 2 decimal places
tltip <- tooltip_table(x, y)                                   #####  creates the tooltip

stars %>% 
  hchart( "scatter", hcaes(temp, lum, size = radiussun, color=color)) %>% 
  hc_xAxis(type = "logarithmic" , title = list(text ="Temperature")) %>% 
  hc_yAxis(type = "logarithmic", title = list(text ="Luminosity")) %>% 
   hc_title(text='Sweet bubble plot')   %>%
  hc_tooltip(useHTML = TRUE, headerFormat = "", pointFormat = tltip)     ##### use the tooltip